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FIRST LISTEN: illuminati hotties, "(You're Better) Than Ever" Video

Jocelyn Hoppa

illuminati hotties

August 24, 2017 | by Jocelyn Hoppa

illuminati hotties are self-proclaimed tenderpunk pioneers, which is essentially everything you think it could and might be. Shrouded in LA sun, sorta loud on occasion and definitely sweet, the project is mostly driven by Sarah Tudzin who writes, produces, and engineers the music, which features her playing backed by "a whole load of my qt friends."

While Tudzin is still working on wrapping up the first illuminati hotties LP, there's a video for album single "(You're Better) Than Ever," where she quite literally skateboards her way into your tenderpunk-loving heart (did you know you had one)?

This track is catchy, with plenty of expected girl group bah-bahs and ahh-ahhs, but the tenderness is matched with some moments of distortion or louder AHHHs.

Watch the vid for "(You're Better) Than Ever" and dig on this band's endearing DIY spirit. Tudzin certainly has us curious as to what the rest of the upcoming LP has in store (as well as dreaming of being in our 20s again and living in California). Check it:

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