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Kerrang! Names Best Heavy Metal Bands from Every U.S. State

James Greene, Jr.

March 12, 2018 | by James Greene, Jr.

Long-running U.K. heavy metal magazine Kerrang! recently published their list of the best and greatest metal acts from each of our United States. While some picks are slam dunk no brainers — Slipknot for Iowa, Corrosion of Conformity for North Carolina — a few of these results might get you hot under the studded collar. Flotsam & Jetsom top Arizona? Who the fuck is Ogre? Marty Friedman was in a band called Hawaii... in Hawaii? Is this of all time or last week?

Check out the entire article here and prepare to familiarize yourself with the "brutal," "disgusting," and "abhorrent" sounds of Nevada's Guttural Secrete!

Weekly Stuff


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