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Will Toledo of Car Seat Headrest Fires Off Infuriated Tweets About Isle of Dogs

Jocelyn Hoppa

Will Toledo, Car Seat Headrest

March 30, 2018 | by Jocelyn Hoppa

As gleaned from Pitchfork, Will Toledo, lead singer/founder of Car Seat Headrest set off on a series of rage Tweets after seeing Wes Anderson's new film Isle of Dogs, calling the film "racist" and "the first bad Wes Anderson movie."

In case you've been living under a rock, the highly anticipated movie is set in a future dystopian Japan. There's been some subsequent discussion (also via a Slash article Toledo shared) of whether the movie is cultural appropriation or homage, with many critics of color pointing out the stop-motion film "traffics in Japanese stereotypes." Here's the rant:

It's probably best to read the Slash article and the other articles (LA Times, Mashable, The Daily Beast) the publication links to if you want a more informed picture of what's going on here. Toledo's rants are founded in something real and likely worth calling out (and I only say "likely" because I personally haven't seen the movie yet).

This "news" isn't about sensationalizing a musician's Twitter rant, so much as it's another way to bring attention to an important topic on art "othering" culture, something that could potentially get glossed over as both critic and fan reviews come flooding in.

Watch the official trailer:

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