Latest "Solo" Trailer Appears to Reference Beck Hit
April 9, 2018 | by James Greene, Jr.
Last night a new trailer for Star Wars anthology film Solo was released, delighting legions of fans who just can't get enough from that galaxy far, far away. The clip sells Solo as a crackin' cosmic caper with a western motif (and it looks like Chewbacca's wife is canon again?). Dyed-in-the-wool '90s alterna-nuts must also be flipping their wigs over a snippet of dialogue Aiden Ehrenreich speaks as Han at 0:38 — "I'm a driver," he says, in a firm cadence remarkably similar to the "I'm a driver..." sample Beck's 1993 anthem "Loser" pounded into our brains many moons ago. It's official: They have MTV in space.
The full Han Solo quote (in this trailer, at least) is "I'm a driver... and I'm a flyer." The complete sample in "Loser," taken from a 1994 film called Kill the Moonlight, is "I'm a driver, I'm a winner... things are gonna change, I can feel it." Maybe that entire passage would have been too on the nose, but it seems to fit Han Solo's general attitude. At least more so than "shave your face with some mace in the dark" or "beefcake pantyhose."
Will Solo: A Star Wars Story be chock full of references to Mellow Gold hit maker Beck Hansen? We will only find out on May 25, the day the film opens.