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January 3, 1967: Carl Wilson Dodges Draft Into U.S. Army

Jocelyn Hoppa

January 3, 2018 | by Jocelyn Hoppa

After receiving a U.S. army draft notice, Carl Wilson of the Beach Boys refused to be sworn in by failing to report for military service on January 3, 1967. Wilson filed for a "conscientious objector" status, but ultimately he was indicted and faced criminal persecution for draft evasion. He was arrested on April 26, 1967 by FBI agents and was released from custody on $15,000 bond.

The legal problems continued from there as Carl also refused to do the subsequent community service he was ordered. Later down the line in 1971, his criminal defense attorney would convince the judge to agree to a plan that allowed Carl to fulfill his community service by performing at hospitals and prisons.

You can read about the whole debacle here, or just watch this video taken from the promo for Wake the World where a bedheaded Carl and his angelic voice enjoys a relaxing, late morning breakfast.

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