Watch The Breeders Perform "Nervous Mary" and "Wait In the Car" Live

March 14, 2018 | by Jocelyn Hoppa
The Breeders dropped possibly one of their best albums since Pod and Last Splash a week or so ago. For the first time in 25 years, the band's classic lineup went down in a basement and got loud (louder?) again and bust out All Nerve. The resulting record is proof positive this reunion is not merely carting out some '90s relic but a true and proper comeback.
The sound one has come to expect from The Breeders is all there, but the themes are a bit more badass this go round — and a little more badass on The Breeders works. Titles like “Walking with the Killer,” “Howl at the Summit,” and freaking "MetaGoth" (which features Courtney Barnett on supporting vocals).
Watch The Breeders perform the first two crunchy, harmonic, rocking tracks off of All Nerve and get down with one of the best records of 2018 (yeah, I said it).