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Bikini Kill Issue Apology for Ticket Bullshit

James Greene, Jr.

Bikini Kill

January 22, 2019 | by James Greene, Jr.

If you logged on last Friday in an attempt to purchase tickets to the Bikini Kill reunion shows, chances are you weren't successful. These events sold out in a minute or less, targeted as so many online concert sales are by scalpers, leaving scores of true fans livid and hurt as they witnessed Bikini Kill ticket resales skyrocketing to as much as $900. There was also the thorny truth of the American Express Bikini Kill reunion ticket pre-sale (available for card holders for the New York performances), a sentence no one ever thought could be constructed with sincerity.

Bikini Kill has now issued an apology for this entire boondoggle:

"Hi everyone, we wanted to apologize to anyone who had a bad experience trying to get tickets to our upcoming shows. We weren’t aware of the pre-sale for people with a certain credit card in [New York] until it was too late and that will not happen in the future. Also as soon as we realized there were problems we tried to put as many obstacles in front of scalpers as we could and are trying to figure out a better solution going forward. Thanks for all the interest and support of these shows — it is beyond anything we expected and we are excited to play for you!"

Every band should try to find a better solution going forward. This kind of thing happens all the time. Maybe concerts should work on the barter system. Let us in if we bring you a fresh plump chicken.

Weekly Stuff


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