Video: Veda Rays Release "Close Range" from Their Latest LP, For the Rest to Rest
March 14, 2019 | by C.M. Crockford
Acclaimed New York post-punk band Veda Rays has released their newest video for “Close Range,” featured on their recent album, For the Rest to Rest. The video features footage of politician Julia Salazar being photographed by the media, an eerie masked figure looming over the camera, and the band playing the song.
Singer and guitarist Jim Stark got the footage of Salazar while Veda Rays was playing a benefit in Brooklyn: “We promptly started capturing footage of the photographers who were shooting away at the politicians... one of the overarching themes of For the Rest to Rest had to do with image and identity, specifically as presented through the lens of the media, whether self-curated through one’s own social media platforms, or by professional design, channeled through larger outlets. Finding ourselves in this situation struck us as being strangely meaningful in a life-mirroring-art kind of a way.”
For the Rest to Rest is out now on Alleged Records, and you can purchase the record here.